Monday, July 5, 2010

POST #7: Chevron and Beit Lechem

One of the more emotional visits in Israel was to Kever Rachel, Rachel's Tomb. Really, Rachel should have been buried with the other Matriarchs in Chevron, but she was buried here to provide the future exiles of Israel with a spot to pour out their hearts on their way into exile.

The prophets speak about how "Mama" Rachel cries and prays to G-d for the welfare of her children Israel.

This is th tomb, inside the building. The original building, with the famous dome, is entirely enclosed with a shelter, bullet-proof and windowless. All this since Beit Lechem, like Chevron, is in the "West Bank", Judah and Samariah.

In this photo you can see the original building and the surrounding shelter.

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