Friday, July 2, 2010


From the hotel room in the Golan Hotel in Teverya, you can see Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), and beyond it you see the Golan Heights, with Mt. Chermon towering over it. This was the first epiphane moment, seeing the precious and valuable Golan Heights for the first time. I really wanted to see Israel and its borders from the vantage point of the Golan Heights to have a little appreciation of its security value, and thank G-d we were able to do that a couple days in, as you will see.

Meanwhile, enjoy the view.

Malka in her brilliant bassinet, hooked up to the bulkhead. Kudos, el al! And kudos Malka, who slept almost the whole 14 hours there.

And kudos to the Israeli Bubbies and businessmen who were fascinated by her and entertained her and fawned over her when she was awake. The friendliness and lack of any pretenses was just lovely.
Looked who's on our flight! Aaron Weissman (ben Andrew Weissman). This is probably the only time in history that a Levi from Bell Canyon used the Tefillin of a Kohein from Calabasas on a plane going to Yisrael. Wow. Aaron was part of a Ramah youth group trip. And we also had a Birthright Trip on the plane so plenty of youth, plenty of noise, plenty of traffic in the aisles, all of it pleasant.
Our first meeting with Israel's lovely citizens, on the shuttle to the plane in LAX. This is us along with the other 100 or so people that needed a little extra time boarding...:) hysterical.

I gotta say the heimishkeit, family-like atmoshpere on the plane was super. Everybody knows everybody by the time you're two hours in, the flight attendants are palling around with everyone, while keeping order, pushing through the farbrengens in the aisles, asking rabbis to get their shoes off the bulkhead wall, pleading with people to sit down when the light is was fabulous.

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